Elite Heartbeat

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Archive for the ‘Kentucky’ Category

Affecting Change in our Country

Posted by A Balanced Alternative on May 22, 2007

Today is the day for Primary Elections in Kentucky. This gives me a chance to get on my soapbox for a minute or two. But this is not a political statement. I just want to speak my piece about our rights to vote.

We as a nation have the opportunity to affect change in our country. One of the ways we do this is by voting. We decide who our leaders are going to be in this nation. But if we don’t vote, we have no right to gripe and complain about the way the government is handling things.

We tell ourselves and others, “It won’t do any good to vote. My vote doesn’t count. No one I know is running for anything.” Then we want to sit back and talk about how our government is not doing what we want it to do. Our apathy has become appalling.

If we want to make a difference; if we want to be able to affect change; if we want to just sit and complain, we have to be willing to go to the polls.

So I for one will be leaving soon to go vote. And I hope when the time comes in your State to do the same, you think just a bit before you decide it’s not worth your time. Let’s see what would happen if everyone decided TO vote this year. What changes would we see?


Posted in Affecting change in our country, apathy is appalling, change, Kentucky, primary elections, vote | 2 Comments »