Elite Heartbeat

Good News and Views for VAs and SBOs

What’s In a Name?

Posted by A Balanced Alternative on March 5, 2007

What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet … Shakespeare

I’ve spent the last two weeks trying to come up with a new business name. You see, I’ve been working with a life coach, Suzanne Evans of Blueprint Life Coaching and through her coaching sessions, I’ve come to realize that I haven’t been focusing on my unique talents in my business life. I’m a talented virtual assistant – it’s something I’m good at and something I love doing. But I realized I’m short-changing myself by not focusing on my gift of being supportive and uplifting. So I’ve been searching for the perfect name and it’s about to drive me crazy. What’s in a name? How important is it to the success of your business?

It’s easy to disregard the importance of a name. After all, it’s the quality of work you perform that keep your clients loyal. But how did they first become a client? Normally you “sell” them on your services – usually during a consultation process. Since most times this is done virtually, they can’t physically see you, but they listen to how you articulate; they read over your web site regarding experience and past work. But how did they first get to the consultation phase? Many times it’s through your name. They did a Google search on the particular project and your name popped up.

Does your name reflect who you are? Does it reflect what you do? Does it resonate with your target market? Is it something you can live with for years? These are things to think about as you choose a business name. I think it’s important to have a name that someone immediately identifies with. They see your name and think, “Now there’s the company I want to deal with.” It’s important to have a name that is memorable. How many times have we needed a service and thought, “Now what was the name of that company?”

Our name must distinguish ourselves from the pack. It must identify who we are and what we do. Can you name easily identify you? Does it tell someone what you do?

  • There are so many businesses around, it’s easy to get confused. Your name should be so connected to you that you are recognized immediately.
  • It must flow off the tongue easily. If it’s difficult to say, people are less likely to remember it. It should be something that goes together.
  • It must be easily spelled. This is one that we sometimes forget. If the name contains difficult-to-spell words, you will be harder to find on the Internet.
  • Does it make sense? Does your name connect with the audience you’re targeting? For example, if you’re a furniture store, do you know that when you see your name?

So if you’re thinking of a name change, be sure to think about the big picture, not just what sounds good to you. Try some examples out on others – your target market and those who aren’t in your target market – that will give you a better perspective. Then, go for it. Give yourself a name that defines your unique personality. After all, you’re going to have to live with it for a long time!

2 Responses to “What’s In a Name?”

  1. Chris Hoskin said

    Choosing a ‘name’ is a great stage and phase in any start-up.

    Too often though, the temptation is to think about the ‘name’ in isolation of the creation of a brand. The only thing worse than that is to think about the name before the brand is defined.

    A brand is one of the most important assets you can develop for your business. Brands are not just ‘names’, ‘logos’ or ‘tag lines’. Brands are the culmination of who you are, how you’re different from your competition, and why a buyer should do business with you.

    Once you have defined the brand – choose the name. But not before.

    Best of luck,


  2. Elite VAs said


    Thanks for your comment.

    My “brand” is already there – I’ve just narrowed my niche so I thought it’d be a great time to come up with a new name. I think we choose to overlook the importance of what we call ourselves.

    I appreciate your taking the time to read and comment.


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