Elite Heartbeat

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Archive for the ‘games’ Category

Happy 1st Anniversary, VACOC

Posted by A Balanced Alternative on April 20, 2007

A year ago this month, the Virtual Assistance Chamber of Commerce (VACOC) was created by Danielle Keister, owner of The Relief. She had a vision of providing virtual assistants with a place to gather and share ideas, knowledge, challenges and successes.

Last night, we had our 1st Anniversary Party and it was so much fun. With the advent of the Internet, there are so many things you can do that I never would have thought you could do. We had a party over the Internet. (Actually, we did this at Christmas also, but I digress.) Who would have thought five, three, even two years ago that you could have a party with people from all over the world, and no one has to travel? We had people from the U.S., Canada, and Argentina, and the cost – FREE!

We really had a good time. We played games, we laughed, we gave out awards, we shared our ups and downs over the past year. We got to know each other. We talked about our families, our businesses, our lives. I have made friendships that will last a lifetime, people I may never meet, people I never would have had a chance to get to know, except for the VACOC.

At the VACOC, we make the journey together. We share each other’s triumphs, we cry with each other’s pain, we are there for each moment in this wonderful thing called life. What I have gained can never be measured in words! I have learned and grown and come to understand what this thing called a “VA” is truly all about. I thank you, VACOC, for showing me what I can be and helping me to become.

So to the VACOC, I say, Happy 1st Anniversary. I look forward to many more exciting years, full of fun, friends, education, training, all the things we look for in a networking organization. You are that, and more!


Posted in anniversary, awards, education, friends, games, laughed, network, party, VACOC, VAs, Virtual Assistant | 2 Comments »