Elite Heartbeat

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Archive for the ‘web site’ Category

Are you a Serious Business Owner?

Posted by A Balanced Alternative on May 4, 2007

Are you a serious business owner? Or are you playing at being a business owner? There’s a big difference and here’s a few tips I’d like to share.

How many times have we heard people talk about this great business they own, yet they don’t come across as serious business owners? They may have no website yet; maybe they just decided one day, “I think I’ll become a virtual assistant”; they join forums yet hang back in the shadows, never “meeting” anyone, just hanging around.

People will not take you seriously if you do not present a professional image. In today’s world, if you’re going to be doing Internet business, you must have a static website or a blog-platform website. Forums are for networking – which is a two-way street. Yes, you want to learn all that you can about the different aspects of business. But you must put yourself out there also – share your expertise. No matter if you’ve been in business 5 years or 5 days, life has given you plenty of experiences. You never know when one of those will help someone else who has been searching for an answer.

When you speak, use proper grammar. When you write, spell-check your words. Don’t gossip and talk about others. Always present yourself as a professional and you will be treated as a professional. Then the clients will come to you. They will be impressed by the way you present yourself – whether it be in person, on the Internet, during a social networking event – they will see that you are a serious business owner.


Posted in answer, Blogging, Business, clients, experiences, forums, network, professional, serious business owner, Tips, Virtual Assistant, web site | 1 Comment »

How to Start a Woman-Owned Small Business from your Home – Part 2

Posted by A Balanced Alternative on April 3, 2007

Yesterday, I started this article about women starting their own home-based businesses. Today I’d like to add 5 more items to my list of things which are important and sometimes unique to women.

6. Do you know your way to San Jose? Wasn’t that a song? Seriously though, do you know your way around the computer? If you’re going to be a small business owner, you must have at least a basic knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets, email and a little bit of accounting. Oh, and that all-knowing thing – the Internet. I’m not saying you have to be the next whiz kid, but you need to be comfortable with getting around on your computer, viewing and responding to emails, researching on the Internet, typing a quick document, and setting up a short little spreadsheet. This will help you immeasurably when you’re talking with prospective clients.

7. Can you easily grasp new concepts and ideas? (Are you trainable?) This one may make some people laugh, but we’ve all heard the old saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” That’s not you, is it? You must be receptive, open to new ideas, open to new ways of doing things. With the Internet, everything you used to think is true is no longer true. There are ways and ways and ways to connect with each other and your clients. Be open to learn constantly about how to best operate your business.

8. Do you have high speed DSL or cable? This is a must to run a business in today’s world. You don’t want to be caught on the phone with a client who says, “Did you get my email?” And you’re waiting and waiting and waiting for it to come in because it had a small JPG file with it. Be sure and spend the money to upgrade and it will be money well-spent. If you can afford it (and it’s available in your area), cable is great! It’s made such a difference in my business.

9. Do you have a banker who is familiar with you and can help you out with the “ins and outs” of starting a business? This is so important. When you get to the stage where you feel this is truly what you want to do, get your business plan written (this is a MUST – do not pass go, do not collect $200 unless you write your Business Plan), then talk to a banker who recognizes you as you walk in the door. Tell them your plan, show them your business plan, ask them their advice. They are the experts and can help you through not only the financial aspect, but maybe give you some small business tips you didn’t think of. Plus women love those relationships that extend from personal to professional.

10. Do you have an EIN (even though you have no employees)? As a sole proprietor with no employees, you do not have to have an Employer Identification Number. But, if you’re going to be working with sub-contractors quite often, if you’re going to be selling quite a bit, it’s important to keep your personal information separate from your business information. Yes, I know that as a sole proprietor, most things will be run through your personal side also. But if you have a unique identifying number, it helps in many ways. It not only shows a certain sense of professionalism, but it keeps your social security number safe and confidential.

Well, those were just 10 quick tips to think about if you’re a woman looking to start a small business. Most of the topics can be used by anyone starting a business. But I feel sometimes we, as women, have some unique needs that men don’t have.

I hope these prove helpful to you. Please let me know what you think. Enjoy your week!


Posted in Business, Calendaring, clients, connections, resources, Small Business Owners, Technology, Thoughts, Tips, web site, women business owners, Work | Leave a Comment »