Elite Heartbeat

Good News and Views for VAs and SBOs

Archive for the ‘support’ Category

It’s Time for a New Direction and Focus

Posted by A Balanced Alternative on May 10, 2007

Well, it’s finally time to announce my big news that I alluded to some time back.

I have decided to change my company name and logo. Yes, this is a major decision; yes, it’s a scary decision; and yes, I know it’s the right decision.

A few months ago, my partner and I decided to dissolve our partnership. She was ready to spend more time with her family and thankfully was able to financially do that. So she has stopped working for a while. I was so happy for her and wished her the best. Someday I’ll get to retire. HA!

I felt it was a perfect time for me to start thinking very seriously about where I wanted my business to go, how I wanted to conduct my business, and who I wanted to do business with. I was in a coaching class at the time (thank you to my Blueprint Life Coaching group – you know who you are!) and realized that I wasn’t fully embracing my dream and doing all I could do with it. So I decided to make a change.

I figured out what my unique talent is, what makes me stand out from the crowd, what makes me unique and different, and knew I had to use that in my business if I wanted to be truly successful. So I spent countless hours trying to come up with a name and tagline that would reflect me, who I really am, and reflect what I want others to know.

Elite VAs is now A Balanced Alternative. I want my clients to know that I can provide balance to their businesses and to their personal lives. I want to be able to support and uplift them, to encourage them through their tough times. My tagline is, Uplifting Administrative Support for Coaches and Consultants. I chose coaches and consultants because I feel they give and give and give, and sometimes they don’t have anyone to give to them, to encourage and uplift them. That will be my job.

I hope you like my new direction. I am so excited about the changes already coming my way. I feel good about the direction of my business. I feel confident that I will be successful. I feel I’ve picked the perfect target market to which to display my unique talents. And I am happy, happier than I’ve been in a long time.

So the next time you are feeling down, or feel you just can’t continue working the way you’ve been working, and you feel you need someone to partner with you to take some of the burden so you can concentrate on your clients, think of a virtual assistant; think of me, Vickie Turley, A Balanced Alternative. My website is in the process of being built, but you can still find out about my services at www.elitevas.com.

Posted in administrative support, balance, Balanced Alternative, Blueprint Life Coaching, Business, coaches, consultants, direction, embracing my dream, family, focus, happy, partner, successful, support, tagline, talent, target market, unique, uplifting, Vickie Turley | 2 Comments »

Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

Posted by A Balanced Alternative on April 25, 2007

To all secretaries, temps, administrative assistants, legal assistants, legal secretaries, paralegals, and virtual assistants, I wish you a Happy Administrative Professionals Day.

This is a special day to me because it always reminds me of my journey – the one that has brought me to where I am today. It’s been a long journey, but one thing that has stayed constant is the realization that we can make a difference in someone’s life.

I’m old, and I can remember clearly when it was the Professional Secretaries International organization. We were young and full of exuberance. We were secretaries and administrative assistants who wanted to make a difference. We cared about the profession and did all we could to maintain the high quality of work we and the organization was known for.

I think that’s the part we forget along our journey sometimes. We forget what we’re in this for. Even though I’m not a typical administrative assistant now, I’m still in the administrative support field – just doing it on my own terms now. I still strive to be the best that I can, to uphold the values and integrity of the VA industry, to not just do the work for my client, but to go above and beyond their expectations. That’s what we all should do.

So let’s spend the day reflecting on where we are and who we are. Let’s spend the day thinking of one way we can “wow” our clients or our bosses today. Let’s spend the day remembering our journey, thankful to those who have helped us along our way, and thankful to those who are still to cross our paths.

Make it a special day in the industry and have a Happy Administrative Professionals Day!


Posted in administrative support, clients, colleague, colleagues, Happy Administrative Professionals Day, integrity, journey, make a difference, organization, Professional Secretaries International, support, thankful, values, Virtual Assistant | 2 Comments »